Poetry by Jeanette Dowdell: “BEAUTIFUL”


baby jesus

What could be more beautiful than the birth of God’s son under His sacred star?
You know, the one that has a meaning all its own; raises every bar,
How many eyes look up on Christmas Eve to find that beautiful treasure?
Understand the deep seeded feelings it brings every year – pleasure beyond pleasure?
What is there in that twinkling giant so small?
Well, it is our Savior – the answer to our prayers, forever love and forgiveness from sins for all,
A gift without end, isn’t that the greatest gift ever?
One that captures our hearts and souls, and ties them with one unbreakable tether,
Truly, what would we have without love, our faith, our belief?
Without the strength and joy that we receive, when we cry out for relief,
How can we measure the eons of tumult, devastation and war?
Years of hoping, pleading, praying for better times, new life, freedom and an open door,
Who knew it would take a divine intervention to set humanity straight,
To steer us in the right direction, end what seemed to the world to be an endless wait,
Oh, how beautiful the moment, how great the day,
When God said, “deliver my message,” and so, the angels were sent on their way,
With bombastic golden trumpets; sweet voices, glorious harps and celebratory bells,
That’s why we share our traditions every Christmas Eve, when our faith crescendos, swells,
Now, that’s beautiful, and what can be more beautiful than beautiful?
How grateful we should be,
For this is the message He reinforces each year, and sends to you, and me,
That Everlasting Christmas gift, that tiny baby boy sharing his love from day one,

What could be more beautiful than the birth of God’s son?


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