Celebrating Camp Discovery VBS!

VBS teamCamp Discovery Vacation Bible School concluded Sunday, August 9 with a presentation in words, songs, and photos during the worship service. Children shared some of the important points they learned from daily Bible stories: “Jesus gives me courage,” from David and Goliath; “Jesus gives me wisdom” from the wise judge Deborah; “Jesus saves me,” from the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who stood up for God and refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar; and the overall theme that “God gives us His love to share.”

vbs 6VBS Director Judy Meserve led a team of 25 adults and teen assistants in creating the Camp Discovery setting and implementing the program of Bible lessons, songs, roleplaying, crafts, and games. Pastor Hal Low, music director Susan Briska, and several teen assistants are missing from the photo (above).

The VBS children and families raised $400 for this summer’s mission project, Living Waters for the World, a Christian ministry that currently partners with communities in many Latin American nations to develop a sustainable solution for providing clean water. The organization provides a water treatment system that’s simple and affordable, and teaches local leaders to provide health education in the community, helping communities take ownership of their health and wellbeing.

vbs 7Sunday’s VBS presentation began with the happy news from Pastor Hal’s puppet friend Chester the squirrel that members of the congregation had cleared away fallen trees and branches the previous afternoon, and helped him find a safe new home. Chester’s previous “home tree” had been uprooted in Tuesday morning’s severe storm.

After the service everyone enjoyed ice cream ‘Sundays’ during Fellowship Hour.

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