WOW! We Celebrate the Worship Team

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Let’s hear a heartfelt WOW!” for NSUMC’s Worship Team, our featured ministry for July. The Worship Team works closely with the pastor in the planning and preparation of worship services. With new pastor Hal Low having just arrived, this is an exciting time for Team Leader Mary Lutz and the rest of the team.

“Our first team meeting went well,” Mary said. “We came up with some good ideas together that we’ll  pursue and develop as we move forward. A different outlook is always refreshing. I’m looking forward to our work together.”

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Obviously, music is significant in the worship service, and Music Director Fady Deeb is one of the team’s key participants. Fady welcomes input regarding the selection of the hymns and praise songs.  “It’s important that the music enhance the service.”

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Joan Arata coordinates the scheduling of participants for the worship services: an acolyte to carry the light of Christ to the altar; the liturgist who will lead the Call to Worship and read the scriptures; and the ushers who greet people and offer a worship bulletin as they enter the sanctuary. The ushers also collect the offering, manage the flow of people to the altar on Communion Sundays, complete the attendance statistics for the service, and tidy the pews after the service ends.

“Each of these tasks is important to our worship, and a great way to serve the church,” Joan said.  “I invite volunteers to sign up for August Sundays on the clipboard outside the sanctuary doors.”

As a veteran teacher and leader of Sunday School over her years at NSUMC, Joan occasionally delivers the Children’s Message, and when she does, it’s a treat for children of all ages.

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Communion steward Jean Bono prepares the bread and grape juice for communion services. Also, Jean maintains the candles on the altar and the acolylyte’s candlelighter, making sure that all the wicks are healthy.

WOW worship 3Jolaine Watson prepares two PowerPoint presentations for each Sunday. One contains the script for the entire service: the Call to Worship, the prayers, the words for all hymns — everything except the words of the pastor’s sermon. The second PowerPoint contains abbreviated versions of the same announcements that are printed in the bulletin. This power point is a loop, which plays before the service starts and during the Time of Ministry. Jolaine is a master at providing the perfect artwork and/or graphics to enhance both power point presentations.

The Worship Team also oversees the appearance of the sanctuary: the banners hanging on the walls; the appropriate colors for the seasons of the liturgical calendar; the arrangement of poinsettias at Christmas, the lilies and hyacinths at Easter. The Worship Team is especially busy prior to Christmas and Easter planning and preparing for additional services for Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter “Sonrise.”

At regular monthly meetings (the second Tuesday evening) the Worship Team discusses plans for upcoming services, as well as other issues that arise. For example, the team recently decided to have a gluten-free option for communion. Other ongoing questions: What is the most appropriate placement for the Time of Ministry announcements?  How do we accommodate the preference of some members for traditional hymns and of others for more contemporary praise music?

“With just one worship service we can’t please everyone 100%. We have to consider different preferences,” Mary said. “We count on people to be understanding of that.”

The Worship Team welcomes feedback from the congregation.

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